Jul 30, 2007

"My lovely son, the Hollywood star"

Max Lewis and his mother, Sandy.
Max was featured in "Notes on a Scandal." (Daily Mail photo)

Here's a refreshing first-person article by Sandy Lewis in the (UK) Daily Mail. Sandy's 13-year-old son Max played opposite Cate Blanchett in "Notes on a Scandal," recently released on DVD. Sandy documents her personal journey, starting with the emotional story of her son's Down syndrome diagnosis and ending with his successful star turn in Hollywood.

Along the way, Sandy learns to ignore the negative predictions of "professionals" and instead to focus on the many strenths of her son, a gifted performer whose smile can light up a room. She has harsh words for the nurse who counseled her to institutionalize her baby, and for the parents who complained when they found their children shared a classroom with Max. She's looking forward to a bright acting future for Max, who is eagerly seeking roles that are written for "a boy with lots of talent."

Thisislondon.co.uk has another story on Max. Key quote: he likes acting "because I'm brilliant at it." For more information about actors with Down syndrome, go to www.dsiam.org, an online service based in Los Angeles.

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