Aug 1, 2007

Law day in disability world

* Subway settles with the Justice Department in an accessibility case. Subway will have to renovate its 20,000 restaurants to make them accessible to people with disabilities. The company had been charged with violating the ADA.

* The Justice Department has launched a wide-ranging investigation of New York’s transit authority for “allegedly violating federal laws meant to help wheelchair-bound commuters get around underground,” reports the New York Post.

* A San Francisco surgeon is charged with hastening the death of a patient with disabilities in order to harvest his organs for transplant. Hootan Roozrokh is facing three felony charges in connection with the death of Ruben Navarro of San Luis Obispo. Roozrokh’s attorney says his client is the subject of a witch hunt.

* Six Medicaid patients sue the state of Florida to try to block cuts to in-home services for the developmentally disabled that are scheduled to begin on Wednesday.

* Parent feud divides Special Olympics organization in Texas. The Dallas Morning News shows us the documents.

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