Aug 1, 2007

Epilepsy zeitgeist

The number of Google hits for the search "Roberts, epilepsy" as of 7:45 a.m. Eastern: 1,733.

Some examples:

  • Roberts facing medical option on 2nd seizure:
    "... he and his doctors will have to decide whether he should take medications to prevent further seizures ... the drugs can have troubling side effects, including drowsiness or insomnia, weight loss or weight gain, skin rashes, irritability, mental slowing and forgetfulness. "
  • Experts split on whether Chief Justice Roberts has epilepsy:
    Doctors "were divided on whether the seizure -- the second one the 52-year-old jurist has suffered in 14 years -- is a sign that Roberts has epilepsy, a neurological condition that could require him to take anti-seizure medication to control the disorder."
  • Does Justice Roberts have epilepsy?
    "When Chief Justice John Roberts experienced the second seizure of his life on Monday, he may have become, in medical terms, an epileptic ... The diagnosis of epilepsy, say experts, may not necessarily mean that Roberts will have to take anti-seizure medication, which can control the electrical activity of the brain, or have to be concerned that future events will impair his ability to function on the Supreme Court."

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